New technologies have revolutionized the labor market and are an irrefutable reality in the world in which we live. We have spent years seeing how digitization, artificial intelligence, or augmented reality are trending, not only in technology. These innovations have meant a qualitative leap in how we work. More and more tools and programs are trying to help companies grow, improve their precision, increase their productivity, and, of course, their benefits by using the most in-demand tech skills.

Best Technology Courses:

The potential that comes from the hand of new technologies does not mean the destruction of jobs as many believe but will generate new jobs considered by the World Economic Forum (WEF) “high-quality jobs” that can only be filled by qualified personnel. 

There is, therefore, a race against time to have that qualification: by 2022, at least 54% of workers will have to improve their most in-demand tech skills. And is that cybersecurity, technological design, or programming have been, for years, some of the most demanded skills worldwide.

Here are the top 10 in-demand tech skills to consider in the coming years:


Python is one of the most powerful programming languages. One of its great virtues is that it provides solutions for various functions. The Programming language stands out for its simplicity and the readability of its code. The first version was published in 1991 and is currently one of the most important languages, especially for programming HTML pages. Its characteristics are similar to those of Java or Ruby, allowing object-oriented programming, imperative programming, and even functional programming.

In particular, there is a specialization (which is not free, but you can apply for a scholarship) called Python for Everybody. It has five integrated courses that use Python to introduce fundamental programming concepts, such as data structures, network application interfaces, and databases.

React (web)

Open-source JavaScript library developed by Facebook to help create interactive user interfaces easily. In this way, React is responsible for efficiently updating and rendering the correct components when the data changes. For example, Facebook uses it to produce components, while Instagram is written entirely in React.

Selecting the best-suited front-end technology nowadays is a big concern. Today’s web development era has witnessed quite a few technologies in the market, each developed to fulfill different demands. React is one such technology that has been implemented by almost every industry.


Reference platform and framework for creating single-page mobile and desktop applications using HTML and TypeScript. Google maintains it. It implements core and optional functionality as a set of TypeScript libraries that you import into your apps. 

The architecture of an Angular application depends on certain fundamental concepts. The basic building blocks are modules, which deliver a compilation framework for components. modules gather related code into functional sets; a set of modules determines an Angular app. An app always has at least a root module that enables bootstrapping and typically has several more feature modules.

Machine Learning

This skill is undoubtedly one of the great revolutions of recent years. Machine learning helps optimize various tasks in every field you can imagine. It is a scientific discipline belonging to the field of Artificial Intelligence that creates systems intended to learn automatically, allowing the identification of complex patterns among millions of data to predict future behaviors. Furthermore, these systems can improve autonomously over time.

You find hundreds of online courses to program machine learning algorithms and apply them to different services. You can also learn how to make predictions, classifications, clustering, and information gathering. Most artificial intelligence practical courses require previous programming or data science knowledge and experience.


One of the most common mechanisms that allow developers to easily create and deploy applications from any server (regardless of their operating system) through software containers. It started to gain popularity in 2013, and its evolution has been unstoppable, thanks partly to being open source and the support of large companies.


A high-level framework is written in Python that encourages clean and pragmatic design and the rapid development of web applications. Design by experienced developers takes care of much of the hassle of Web development, so you can concentrate on developing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel. It’s completely free and open source.


The world’s leading technology association in thinking and action was founded in 1982. Its programs set standards for the industry, foster skill development, and generate knowledge. CompTIA-certified professional skills for the technology industry.

Amazon AWS

The world’s most widely adopted and comprehensive cloud platform offers more than 165 comprehensive data center services globally. It was created to be the most flexible and secure cloud computing environment and has a large dynamic community. In 2018 AWS launched 1,957 new features and services focused on new areas such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, IoT, and serverless computing. It is used in applications like Dropbox, Foursquare, and Hoot Suite.

Deep Learning

Also known as Deep Learning, it carries out the Machine Learning process using an artificial neural network that is made up of different levels, starting with simple information that becomes complex with the course of the levels. This method employs logical structures that resemble the functioning of the human nervous system. In this sense, artificial vision is one of the areas where one of the greatest improvements compared to other, more traditional algorithms is seen.

React Native (mobile)

A booming technology revolutionizing mobile development has already become one of the large companies’ most widely used frameworks. It allows us to develop applications for Android and iOS using JavaScript.


Companies are increasingly aware that to stay one step ahead, their employees need constant training that keeps their skills up-to-date with the technological innovations that the labor market demands. These technologies will put you ahead in your job with the latest and advanced skills.

Want to Level Up Your Skills?

LearnNThrive is a global training and placement provider helping the graduates to pick the best technology trainings and certification programs.
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