React JS Training Course

8000+ Learners

Stand out in the competitive tech landscape with our comprehensive React JS certification program. As a distinguished React JS institute, we offer a structured curriculum, expert guidance, and real-world projects, ensuring you not only learn but master React JS. Secure your future in web development today!


React JS Course Overview

Unlock the full potential of web development with our comprehensive React JS training program. Designed for both beginners and experienced developers, our expert-led courses cover the entire spectrum of React JS, from foundational principles to advanced techniques. Immerse yourself in a dynamic learning environment where practical coding exercises and real-world projects are seamlessly integrated, ensuring a hands-on and engaging experience. At LearnNThrive, as a leading React JS institute, we take pride in delivering top-notch education that goes beyond theoretical knowledge. Our goal is to equip you with the skills and expertise needed to excel in the ever-evolving field of React JS development. Whether you prefer a traditional classroom setting or the flexibility of an online course, we provide a learning experience that suits your needs. Upon completion of our React JS program, you will not only be proficient in React JS but will also hold a recognized certification, a testament to your expertise. Join us on this transformative journey, choose the best React JS course, and elevate your career in web development.

11.9 million websites use React at the moment.

42.87% of JavaScript professional developers use React.js, whereas 48% of developers are interested in learning this JavaScript framework in 2024 and ahead

The average salary for a React.js developer in the United States is $127,000 per year

The global React.js development services market size is expected to reach $28.6 billion by 2027

Key Features

Engaging modules for hands-on React skill development.
Apply React knowledge through practical, industry-relevant projects.
Learn from seasoned instructors with extensive React expertise.
Tailor your learning with options for diverse skill levels.
Cover React fundamentals to advanced concepts for holistic understanding.
Access course materials and updates for continuous learning.
Collaborate with peers, fostering a supportive learning community.
Receive support for career advancement in React development.
Stay current with content reflecting the latest React library updates.
Earn a certification validating React proficiency for career advancement.

Who All Can Attend This React JS Training Course?

The React JS training course accommodates various professional roles and individuals seeking growth. This course is suitable for:

# Web Developers
# JavaScript Developers
# UI/UX Designers
# Students and Graduates
# Tech Enthusiasts
# Professionals Transitioning to Web Development
# Project Managers and Team Leads
# Anyone Interested in Front-End Development
Prerequisites To Take React JS Training

An individual has to meet certain eligibility criteria to attend the React JS course. The prerequisites for attending React JS training are:

  • Basic understanding of web development fundamentals is recommended.
  • Basic Problem solving and Analytical Skills

Skills Focused
  • React Fundamentals
  • Component-Based Architecture
  • State Management
  • Props and Data Flow
  • Lifecycle Methods
  • React Router and Hooks
  • Forms in React
  • React Context API
  • Redux State Management
  • API Integration
  • Component Styling
  • Deployment
Why React JS Training ?

Discover the unparalleled benefits of React JS with our comprehensive React JS training. Our expert-led courses, designed for both beginners and experienced developers, ensure a deep understanding of React JS. Join the best React JS course and experience hands-on learning with real-world projects. As a distinguished React JS institute, we offer a flexible online course, providing you with the convenience to learn at your own pace. Upon completion, earn a recognized React JS certification and position yourself as a sought-after professional. Choose the path of excellence in web development by enrolling in the best React JS class available.

  • Enhanced Career Prospects: Mastering React JS opens doors to lucrative opportunities, as businesses increasingly seek skilled developers proficient in this technology.
  • Efficient Front-End Development: React JS simplifies UI development, allowing you to create interactive and dynamic user interfaces with greater efficiency and ease.
  • Versatile Skill Set: Acquire a versatile skill set, making you a valuable asset in the tech industry and enhancing your overall employability.
  • Stay Current in Tech: Learning React JS keeps you on the cutting edge of technology, ensuring you remain relevant in the ever-evolving field of web development.

Pick the convenient date of your choice and register!

This program allows you to pick a date of your choice. Kindly pick a date from the calendar and submit your preferences.

This program offers one-on-one training as well with customizable options, including syllabus, duration, course fee, competency, tools, job support, and more, catering to learners unique preferences.

LearnNThrive has the highest number of training dates available most days(Weekend or weekday or combination) of the month and hence you are free to pick a date of your choice and request more details.

We promise & try to arrange the best as per your choice ( You ask for it and we will make it happen for you!)

  • Weekend Classes
  • Weekday Classes
  • Time zone of your choice in order to get more discount/lowest price possible
  • Learner comforts are the highest priority
  • Lowest Price in the market assured if a quote is submitted
  • Ran the classes without postponing
  • Customisation as per the needs
  • Best Facilitator in the industry

Why LearnNThrive?

Take Lowest Price Challenge
Avail huge discounts
Pick Convenient Dates (Weekdays/Weekends)
100% Money Back Guarantee
Highly Quality Mentors From Across The Globe
Mock Interviews & many more
Hassle Free Payment process
Early Bird Registrations
Free Quiz Practice
Free Practice Test








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If you are registering in group's you can avail a discount ranging between 15% to 40% !

React JS Training Syllabus

  • Overview of React JS
  • Setting up the Development Environment
  • Understanding JSX

  • Creating Functional Components
  • Working with Class Components
  • Props and State Management

  • Introduction to React Router
  • Implementing Navigation
  • Dynamic Route Handling

  • Managing State in React
  • Lift State Up
  • Context API for Global State

  • Handling Forms in React
  • Controlled Components
  • Event Handling in React

  • Introduction to Hooks
  • useState, useEffect, useContext
  • Custom Hooks

  • Fetching Data from APIs
  • Handling Asynchronous Operations
  • Axios for HTTP Requests

  • Unit Testing with Jest and Enzyme
  • Debugging React Applications
  • Best Practices for Testing

  • Responsive Design Principles
  • Media Queries and Flexbox
  • Building Responsive Components

  • Deploying React Applications
  • Code Splitting and Lazy Loading
  • Performance Optimization Techniques

  • Building Real-World Applications
  • Project Development Guidelines
  • Best Practices for Scalability

  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
  • Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
  • Introduction to GraphQL with React

Globally Renowned Trainers

The best Trainers from across the globe ! You can find all of the renowned trainers here.


Career Path


Junior React JS Developer

React JS Developer

Associate React JS Developer

Senior React JS Developer

Lead React JS Developer

Principal React JS Developer

React JS Architect

React JS Team Lead

Director of React JS Development

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)


Certification Process


Enlist in a distinguished React JS training program.


Explore comprehensive modules covering both fundamental and advanced React concepts.


Demonstrate your proficiency through hands-on coding projects.


Solidify your learning with practical exercises designed for skill mastery.


Receive ongoing evaluations and constructive feedback to enhance your abilities.


Access industry-relevant case studies and real-world applications utilizing React.


Participate in live webinars and interactive sessions for an enriched learning experience.


Stay abreast of the latest tools and optimal practices in React development.


Achieve certification upon successfully completing the React JS training initiative.


Showcase your expertise, bolstering your employability with a recognized React JS certification.

Why Corporates Prefer LearnNThrive To Upskill Their Teams

As a one-stop training service provider, we strive to be versatile and scalable to the needs of our clients with vast experience in the industry. Our hands-on approach is the most effective way to ensure the quality of our services. We work with a large number of companies who extensively appreciate the high-quality work delivered by us and the top-notch training we provide.

Our partners

Key Points

  • 400+ Companies Association Across Geographies
  • 20+ Trending Technology resources sourced
  • 10+ Certifications Made An Impact on the organizations
  • Work satisfaction and capabilities improved by 30% on an average
  • All Companies & Countries Compliant
  • Pre & Post Training Support
  • Transformed 3000+ Companies & Counting
  • Huge Pool Of Consultants & Facilitators To Cater To Any Kind Of Need
  • Customized Learning As Per The Corporates/Team's Preferences
  • Platformed Based Learning
  • Efficiency increased by 60%

Frequently Asked Questions

Connect With Reps

No, learning React JS without prior knowledge of JavaScript is not recommended. JavaScript is fundamental to React development, serving as its core language. Familiarity with JavaScript concepts is essential for effectively understanding and applying React principles, ensuring a solid foundation for building dynamic and interactive web applications.

To evolve into a proficient ReactJS developer, a balanced mix of technical expertise and soft skills is crucial. Before delving into ReactJS, grasp the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Familiarity with HTTP protocols, algorithms, data structures, and design patterns is essential. Our React certification guides you through the prerequisites for a successful journey into ReactJS development.

Applicable across various industries relying on software applications, React JS serves sectors such as information technology, healthcare, banking, finance, eCommerce, and government agencies. Our React JS course empowers you to leverage opportunities within these diverse sectors effectively.

Our trainers are seasoned industry professionals specializing in front-end development technology. They undergo a meticulous selection process, including profile screening, technical evaluations, and training demos, ensuring certification eligibility. Maintaining a high alumni rating ensures that only top-rated trainers remain part of our esteemed faculty.

As per HackerRank's 2023 Developer Skills Report, React exhibits the most significant skill gap. While 33% of employers require React skills, only 19% of developers currently possess expertise in React.

Training in React offers numerous advantages, including:

  • React's well-defined lifecycle, component-based approach, and use of plain JavaScript contribute to its simplicity.
  • Even individuals with basic programming knowledge can easily grasp React.
  • React Native enables the creation of mobile applications.
  • React employs Flux architecture and one-way data binding, simplifying debugging for self-contained components.
  • Testing React applications is exceptionally straightforward.

Follow the below roadmap step-by-step and become an ReactJS expert:

  • Fundamentals: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • General development skills
  • React JS
  • Build Tools
  • Know Styling
  • State Management
  • Type Checkers
  • Form Helpers
  • Routing
  • API Clients
  • Utility Libraries
  • Testing
  • Internationalization
  • Server-Side Rendering
  • Backend Framework Integration
  • State Management solutions such as Redux
  • React frameworks such as Next.js

React stands out as one of the most widely embraced JavaScript UI libraries globally, boasting over 160K stars on GitHub and millions of monthly downloads. Trusted by industry giants such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Netflix, Tesla, and AirBnb, React empowers developers to craft sophisticated, user-friendly, and speedy interfaces. Mastering React positions you as an in-demand web developer, making you highly sought-after in the industry.

ReactJS, a JavaScript library, is versatile for constructing web or mobile applications. React Native, a framework optimized for mobile development, extends ReactJS capabilities. Developers leverage it to build cross-platform apps, seamlessly rendering JavaScript into native components across various operating systems.

ReactJS employs JSX, a syntax merging JavaScript and XML. While ReactJS doesn't demand advanced coding expertise, familiarity with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS is essential for proficiently working with JSX.Footnote6 If you possess a solid understanding of JavaScript and HTML, learning ReactJS can be a straightforward process.

Unlock Your Potential with React JS Training

Embark on a transformative learning journey with our cutting-edge React JS training course. Whether you're a budding developer or an experienced coder, our curriculum covers the spectrum from fundamental concepts to advanced techniques. Dive deep into the intricacies of React JS and gain a solid foundation that sets you apart in the competitive tech landscape. Our expert-led React JS classes ensure hands-on experience, allowing you to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. Join our community of learners and elevate your coding prowess with the best React JS course.

Why Choose Our React JS Certification Program?

In the realm of web development, staying ahead is crucial. Our React JS certification program positions you as a certified expert in this powerful library, recognized across industries. The React JS training not only imparts theoretical knowledge but also focuses on practical applications, ensuring you are well-equipped for the demands of modern development projects. As a top-rated React JS institute, we pride ourselves on delivering quality education that meets industry standards. Enroll now to gain a competitive edge and earn a respected React JS certification that validates your expertise.

Flexible Learning with the Best React JS Online Course in

Time constraints shouldn't hinder your pursuit of knowledge. Our React JS online course in offers flexibility, allowing you to learn at your own pace. Access high-quality content, engage with industry professionals, and participate in interactive sessions—all from the comfort of your home. Experience the best of React JS training in with our comprehensive curriculum and emerge not just as a skilled developer but as a certified specialist in React JS. Don't settle for anything less than the best—choose our online platform for the most enriching React JS class experience in .