Globalization was once considered to be the best economic solution for a world that has become so freely and easily accessible on account of rapid technological changes. A variety of technological advances has drastically reduced the time lag for physical contact and even a mind-boggling interval in the case of virtual contact. The final word on the effects of globalization remains to be announced. In the meantime, for a variety of political, economic, global warming, etc. reasons, the current economic situation in the world is far from satisfactory. Costs are skyrocketing and bottom lines are falling drastically. In sync with these trends providing traditional resources to all industries is becoming more and more expensive, hence an urgent need to cut costs. Fuel costs, commercial rentals, and interest payments, to name just a few, are eroding the bottom lines of enterprises.

Given these circumstances, the odds are that the organization you currently work for will prefer you to work remotely (WFH)  rather than go to a designated work location. For the present, this option of working remotely seems,  most likely, to be a long-term solution.  You have,  in the present circumstances,  a Hobson’s choice; keeping the wheels of the economy moving as smoothly as possible is a workable opportunity to earn a livelihood. So we all need to be geared up for this new way of working.

You could make this a rewarding experience. To your acknowledged track record of efficient productivity of working you can now add on an additional edifice during these newfound circumstances simultaneously nurturing a healthy relationship with your employer. There is an urgent need to re-orient thinking patterns and attitudes for this new way of life.

Above all, you need to be Positive.

Basic Requirements for Remote Work

You need to figure out when and where to work,  fully supplied with the working tools required. Also, of prime importance, is not to forego opportunities for training and personal development programs that were available to you in the organization you worked with. Companies are investing in training their remote workforce to increase their employee work efficiency and productivity. Your employer organizes for you, the equipment you need before you begin this remote working from home. Of prime importance is that you set out the requirements e.g. the right monitor, mouse, printer, the relevant software, etc., not forgetting an ergonomic chair that you will need to use. Of no less importance is a dedicated mobile phone. If the organization has a VPN facility, use it; it would assist you in accessing servers or websites that are relevant to your work. If your remote work location is at your home, a clear and dedicated office space must be assigned for that purpose.

Of prime importance: you need to delineate personal and office space and time.

Fusing Effectiveness & Success

Working from home calls for a mental revamp that separates personal life and family life.  You need to strictly separate your personal life from your working life during the specified hours. This means no distractions from family at any cost just on account of your physical presence at home.

To begin with, you need to fix a regular daily work routine. Create a comfortable Morning Routine – when and how it starts and stick to it. Assign yourself the usual breaks e.g., coffee and lunch breaks and/or e.g., an in-between break of 10 minutes after a stint of 60 minutes at work. A certain amount of bodily movement is necessary for efficient working.  Of great importance is the fact that you need to be in communication with your colleagues and associates using all the available and acceptable means in the present scenario, e.g., Facebook, WhatsApp, Facetime, and so on. Isolation is a big No-No.

Your positivity centers on the fact that despite the new situation, your personal life is not hindered or abridged in any way. Make it a part of your daily program after working hours, to go out and enjoy the natural light and greenery in the surroundings you live in. Consider this as an activity as a fresh blessing for the body and the mind against the daily cramped and uncomfortable commute that has been a part of your daily life.

To work from a home focus on developing a positive mindset. In the present context, the ongoing scenario is set to be a long-haul process. Employers see this as an excellent cost-cutting process contributing to an improvement in the bottom line as well as avoiding the pitfall of the spread of infestation and its consequent toll on resources.

So, the prime requirement is to consciously not fall prey to a “siege mentality.” Once you have organized and firmed up the important contours of working from home, a positive frame of mind will contribute to effective working from home. Working from home would entail higher productivity as you are now free of commuting woes and other disadvantages you have had necessarily to undergo for all these years. However, you need to consciously work at keeping in constant and meaningful contact with colleagues and other business associates through social media, the internet, telephone, and every available avenue of communication.  This calls for maintaining a high profile with associates regarding your presence and availability; make it a point to attend meetings, company training programs, seminars, etc… Speak up and show that you matter.  Don’t be too hard on yourself; allow yourself personal social interactions with associates as before and you can draw inspiration from people “in the same boat.”

Round off your day of remote working from home with a routine that makes for a pleasant cessation of work activity and a “look forward” to the next day.

Work & Life Balance

So now, to put this life-changing phenomenon in perspective. You have alighted on a situation that is beyond your control. Instead of wallowing in this as a long lonely life grinding situation, convert this situation into a life-grounding situation.

So the very best tip is to be Positive and achieve success. There are many advantages that come in when working from home, as many employees lack effective time management skills they face difficulty in work-life balance.

Sartorial correctness does not denote overdressing; though you work from home; remember that the operative word is work. This sartorial correctness is essential, to begin with. This sets the tone…..

Fix a daily regular work schedule and adhere to it with, to the extent possible, no exceptions. Delineate a fixed and specified area of the home as a hallowed area for working from home complete with all the tools and appurtenances you would require for unfettered working.

Plan your breaks and take them as seriously as your daily work routine. They are a source of rejuvenation of the body and mind. Remember the office coffee breaks and how they added to the zing of working life in the office! Do not forget to take your sick leave.

Just as you have a faithful morning routine before the commencement of the work schedule, ensure that you round off the day with a suitable routine. You have a choice of deciding to do some of the many things you have always wanted to do, e.g. hobbies you wanted to indulge in but never came around to dabble in. This change of scenery will add zest to your life and provide physical, mental, and emotional release.

Remember that socialize with colleagues and business associates, physically with social distancing and masks or through social media, the internet, Facebook, etc., so that people are aware and informed of your schedules and availability.

Make it a point to be available for seminars, and company training programs, and ensure that you speak out at these fora.

New life is a ball, not drudgery.

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