Java is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, renowned for its simplicity, platform independence, and extensive libraries. As an object-oriented language, Java's core revolves around classes and methods. Mastering Java methods is fundamental for anyone aspiring to develop efficient and scalable applications. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, understanding the types of methods in Java and how to apply them is crucial to writing cleaner, more maintainable code. In this blog, we will discuss all Java methods that every individual should know to enhance their programming skills.

What Are Java Methods?

In Java, a method is a block of code or a collection of statements designed to perform a specific task. Methods are used to execute functionality in an organized, reusable way. They provide a way to break down a program into smaller, manageable pieces, making it easier to understand, debug, and modify.

Every method in Java is part of a class and must have a unique name. You can invoke methods by using their name and passing required arguments. The primary purpose of methods is code reusability—once defined, they can be called multiple times throughout the program.


Types of Methods in Java

Understanding the types of methods in Java is crucial to leverage the language’s flexibility. Methods in Java can be categorized into two main types:

1. Predefined Methods (Standard Library Methods)

Java comes with a vast library of predefined methods in its API (Application Programming Interface). These methods perform common tasks, such as mathematical operations, input/output handling, string manipulations, and more. You don’t need to define them explicitly as they are already part of the standard Java libraries.

Examples of predefined methods:
  • System.out.println(): Prints a message to the console.
  • Math.max(a, b): Returns the greater of two numbers.
  • String.length(): Returns the length of a string.


2. User-defined Methods

In addition to predefined methods, developers can create their own methods to perform specific tasks. User-defined methods increase modularity, code reuse, and readability. They are generally categorized based on their return type and accessibility:

  • Method Signature: A method must include the following components in its signature:
  • Return Type: Specifies the type of value the method will return.
  • Method Name: A unique name to identify the method.
  • Parameters: Optional inputs the method may require.
  • Method Body: The block of code that defines what the method does.


Java Method Syntax

The basic syntax of a method in Java is as follows:

returnType methodName(parameters) {

   // method body


For example:

public int addNumbers(int a, int b) {

   return a + b;


This method addNumbers accepts two integers as input, adds them, and returns their sum.

Common Java Methods Every Developer Should Know

1. public static void main(String[] args)

The main method is the entry point of any Java program. It’s where the execution of a program begins. The method is static so that it can be called without creating an instance of the class.


public static void main(String[] args) {

   System.out.println("Hello, Java!");


2. toString() Method

The toString() method in Java is often overridden to provide a string representation of an object. It returns a string containing information about the object, typically in a readable format.



public String toString() {

   return "Employee name: " + + ", Salary: " + this.salary;


3. equals() Method

The equals() method compares two objects for equality. By default, the equals() method compares memory addresses, but you can override it to compare object properties.



public boolean equals(Object obj) {

   if (this == obj) return true;

   if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false;

   Employee employee = (Employee) obj;



4. hashCode() Method

The hashCode() method returns an integer value that represents the hash code for an object. If you override equals(), it's recommended to override hashCode() as well.



public int hashCode() {

   return Objects.hash(, this.salary);


5. get() and set() Methods (Getters and Setters)

These methods are used to retrieve (get) or update (set) private fields of a class, ensuring encapsulation.


public String getName() {

   return name;


public void setName(String name) { = name;


6. Math Methods

The Math class in Java provides numerous mathematical functions, many of which are widely used across various applications.


  • Math.sqrt(x): Returns the square root of x.
  • Math.pow(x, y): Raises x to the power of y.
  • Math.random(): Generates a random number between 0.0 and 1.0.

7. String Class Methods

Java’s String class provides many useful methods to manipulate and process strings.


  • substring(start, end): Extracts a substring from the string.
  • replace(oldChar, newChar): Replaces occurrences of a character.
  • charAt(index): Returns the character at a specific index.

8. ArrayList Class Methods

ArrayList is a commonly used class in Java that allows for dynamic array operations.


  • add(element): Adds an element to the list.
  • remove(index): Removes an element at the specified index.
  • size(): Returns the size of the list.

9. Thread.sleep()

This method pauses the execution of the current thread for a specified number of milliseconds.


try {

   Thread.sleep(2000); // pauses for 2 seconds

} catch (InterruptedException e) {



10. System.currentTimeMillis()

This method returns the current time in milliseconds since the Unix epoch (January 1, 1970). It is commonly used to measure time intervals.


long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

// Code execution

long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

System.out.println("Execution time: " + (endTime - startTime) + " milliseconds");

Importance of Java Methods in Development

Java methods form the backbone of any Java application. They promote modular programming, where a complex problem is broken into smaller, manageable tasks. With all Java methods at your disposal, you can enhance the functionality of your applications while keeping the codebase clean and organized.

Key benefits of using methods include:


Once a method is defined, it can be called multiple times, saving effort.


Methods allow breaking down a problem into subproblems, making the code easier to maintain.


Isolating functionality into methods makes it easier to test and debug individual parts of the program.


Methods improve code efficiency by avoiding redundancy and enabling better organization.


Mastering all Java methods is a critical skill for any aspiring Java developer.From basic predefined methods to complex user-defined ones, understanding the types of methods in Java can drastically improve your coding efficiency and software quality. Whether you're dealing with object comparisons, string manipulation, or time-based tasks, Java provides a rich set of tools to handle these functionalities with ease. As you progress in your Java journey, focus on learning and applying these essential methods to elevate your programming skills.

With a solid grasp of Java methods, you’ll be better equipped to write clear, concise, and efficient code, paving the way for success in your development career.

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Frequently Asked Questions

A Java method is a block of code designed to perform a specific task. Methods are fundamental in Java as they promote code reusability, modularity, and organization. By breaking down complex problems into smaller, manageable tasks, methods make the code easier to read, maintain, and debug.

There are primarily two types of methods in Java: i) Predefined Methods (Standard Library Methods): These are built-in methods provided by Java's standard libraries, such as System.out.println(), Math.max(), and String.length(). ii) User-defined Methods: These are methods created by developers to perform specific tasks. They enhance modularity and code reuse. User-defined methods can vary based on their return types, access modifiers, and parameters.

The main method serves as the entry point of any Java application. It has the signature public static void main(String[] args), allowing the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to execute the program without creating an instance of the class. When the program starts, the JVM calls the main method to begin execution.

  • The toString() method provides a string representation of an object. By default, it returns the class name followed by the object's hashcode. However, it is commonly overridden to return meaningful information about the object's state, making it easier to understand and debug.
  • Example:
  • @Override
  • public String toString() {
  • return "Employee{name='" + name + "', salary=" + salary + "}";
  • }

The equals() method is used to compare the contents of two objects for logical equality, whereas the == operator compares the memory addresses to check if both references point to the same object. Overriding the equals() method allows for meaningful comparisons based on object properties. Example: Employee emp1 = new Employee("Alice", 50000); Employee emp2 = new Employee("Alice", 50000); emp1.equals(emp2); // Returns true if equals() is overridden properly emp1 == emp2; // Returns false as they are different objects in memory

In Java, if two objects are considered equal by the equals() method, they must return the same hash code. Overriding hashCode() ensures that objects used in hash-based collections like HashMap and HashSet behave correctly. Failing to do so can lead to unexpected behavior when storing and retrieving objects from these collections.

  • Getters and setters, also known as accessor and mutator methods, are used to retrieve and update the values of private class fields. They enforce encapsulation by controlling how fields are accessed and modified, ensuring data integrity and hiding the internal representation of the object.
  • Example:
  • public class Employee {
  • private String name;
  • // Getter
  • public String getName() {
  • return name;
  • }
  • // Setter
  • public void setName(String name) {
  • = name;
  • }
  • }

  • The Math class in Java provides a variety of mathematical functions, including:
  • Math.sqrt(double a): Calculates the square root of a.
  • Math.pow(double a, double b): Raises a to the power of b.
  • Math.random(): Generates a random double between 0.0 and 1.0.
  • Math.max(int a, int b): Returns the larger of two integers.
  • Math.min(int a, int b): Returns the smaller of two integers.

  • Java's String class offers numerous methods for string manipulation, such as:
  • substring(int start, int end): Extracts a part of the string.
  • replace(char oldChar, char newChar): Replaces occurrences of a character.
  • charAt(int index): Retrieves the character at a specified index.
  • toUpperCase(): Converts the string to uppercase.
  • trim(): Removes leading and trailing whitespace.
  • Example:
  • String text = "Hello, World!";
  • String sub = text.substring(7, 12); // "World"
  • String replaced = text.replace('H', 'J'); // "Jello, World!"

  • The ArrayList class provides dynamic array functionality in Java. Key methods include:
  • add(E element): Adds an element to the end of the list.
  • remove(int index): Removes the element at the specified index.
  • size(): Returns the number of elements in the list.
  • get(int index): Retrieves the element at the specified index.
  • clear(): Removes all elements from the list.
  • Example:
  • ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>();
  • list.add("Apple");
  • list.add("Banana");
  • list.remove(0); // Removes "Apple"
  • int size = list.size(); // size is 1
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