Project implementation is the project management process phase. In this phase of project management, strategies and plans are formulated. The things done during the planning phase are put into action at this stage. It encompasses the actual task execution and activities required for achieving the goals of the project and deliverables. 

Project implementation typically follows the initiation and planning phases. This phase is completed successfully by keeping an eye, controlling and project closure at the end. Indeed, most organizations plan how the project implementation should happen. However, they should be aware of the possible difficulties faced during project implementation. This post discusses the challenges faced and also solutions to these challenges:


Challenges in Project Implementation


1. Project Scoping and Estimation Issues

These issues can show up at the time of the initial planning phase. However, to prevent these challenges, it is the responsibility of project managers to gain a complete understanding of the project assigned to them. In case, the project manager finds some issues with the plan, he/she should apprise key stakeholders. Accordingly, the person should frame a plan that gains acceptance from all people involved. This will create a solid base for a well-executed project.

These challenges show up due to a lack of clear goals. Also, they show up when there is a lack of alignment with the objectives of the business.

Lack of Alignment with Business Objectives and Clear Goals

When the objectives are not clear and the directions are not clearly specified, they turn out to be key reasons for the projects to fail. In case, a team does not gain a proper understanding of the overall project goal, they will not have a clear idea to execute and complete a project. 

This problem might not occur due to the goals themselves. Rather, they can show up when the goals are not properly communicated to the team members. All members of the project should know the goals regardless of whether they are mutually agreed upon or measurable at the beginning of the project.

Traditionally goal-setting frameworks for businesses like MBO are being used for goal setting. However, not all organizations use these tools.


Proper goal setting is the key to addressing these issues. Indeed, they should be communicated properly to the members of the project.  The stakeholders and project managers will have to define their objectives clearly.  With goals, it will be possible to promote effective planning. They will offer a clear direction for the team. Apart from a clear vision, it is also crucial for project managers to measure the progress of the project by setting up milestones for the project and carrying out verification/completion tests. With clear organizational objectives, project managers can arrive at decisions with short-term or long-term targets in mind and meet tangible outcomes.

Above all, project managers should set up a project schedule. It should state clearly when particular milestones are due to be achieved.  The same should be communicated to everyone in the project.

For goal setting, project managers can use popular approaches of goal setting like CLEAR and SMART to denote a particular set of goals right from the project’s beginning. These approaches aid project managers in setting up clear project goals for the team. Most importantly, the goals should go in line with the overall organizational goals.


2. Improper Risk Management

Improper risk management is one of the challenges faced during project implementation. Every project carries a certain amount of risk. Indeed, it is not possible to entirely address and deny every possible risk from the start. It is still crucial to spot and account for key threats within your initiative. Also, you can take steps to reduce them and their effects on the entire deliverables and results.

As a project manager, you should have a proper risk management strategy. When you fail to hone it, you will face surprises in the long run. When this happens, you will face issues coping the projects that come up due to these risks when implementing the project. For instance, you might face issues like stretched budgets and extended timelines.


Again, you cannot possibly plan or account for every probable risk. Nevertheless, you can frame a solid strategy. You can do this sitting with the team members of your project to spot probable issues in the early stages. Also, you can consider how to cope with them when they show up.

Remember that this solution needs your research. You should evaluate common probable risks connected with your niche and particular kinds of projects within your niche. Also, make sure to gain knowledge of the laws related to your field of operation.

The important thing to remember here is that you should not ignore that these problems do not exist. You should not pretend the non-existence of this issue. The reason is that they do exist. Also, they need your attention as well. When you do this, you can control the project as much as possible.


3. Team Members Without Adequate Skills

One of the challenges faced during project implementation and even after the implementation is the inadequate skills of team members. 

You might have heard the saying that denotes that a chain is as strong as its weakest link. The same rule applies to project teams as well. The reason is that the overall team performance depends greatly on the skill level of each individual. As a project manager, you might create the most fitting atmosphere. However, if the team does not possess the right skills to tackle the issue at hand, your project can fail. 

This is one of the biggest project problems. However, thankfully, this problem can be solved with proper foresight and experience.

How To Resolve?

Efficient project managers pre-determine the competencies and skills that the project demands. They can evaluate the workforce available to spot whether the project needs additional skillsets or staff to implement the project.

As a project manager, you should ensure that you have an efficient project initiation plan in place. When you have this, you can understand the requirements of the project and the resources required to accomplish it. These resources encompass even the human skill element. The project plan will go further to build upon the groundwork of the initiation document.


4. Inadequate Accountability

Accountability should be the first rule in any project. As a project manager, you should make each member of your team accountable for one thing or another. You should remember that inadequate accountability can lead to ripple effect. It can affect each phase of the workflow.

How to Handle This Difficulty?

Before the project implementation steps start, project managers will have to communicate their responsibilities and roles to all team members and stakeholders. They should be provided with a clear idea of how each one is expected to communicate progress. Also, it is crucial to communicate how the finishing of one task relies on the finishing of another.

As a project manager, you should remember that your project team includes different kinds of people. Each of your team members will have their own personality, work habits, specialties and skill sets. When working on a team, the members should give their best and communicate effectively.


5. Poor Budgeting

Skillful cost management and smart financial planning are important to ensure that the project stays within the budget. On the other hand, poor budgeting can show up undesirable outcomes. 

There should be a strong handle when it comes to money matters. When this is not done, you might find that your team faces cost overruns. In turn, your project team can displease the stakeholders. Also, this can prevent the successful completion of the project.


Budgeting can turn out to be one of the difficulties faced during project. To prevent this hardship in project execution, you can:

  • Plan your budget in advance with the help of realistic estimates
  • Review projects that are similar to your project. When you do this, you can get an idea of the ideal budgeting
  • Talk to experts in your team like quality assurance specialists and software developers. They should be aware of the time and cost estimates for your project type.
  • Change suppliers or reassign resources, vendors or services as required.


6. Lack of Project Management Experience

One of the challenges faced during project implementation and management is inadequate experience. Project management be it implementation or any other phase for that matter needs a unique set of knowledge and skills. However, some companies start the project without this experience. Without experience, companies might struggle to comprehend the intricacies of the project. 


Yes, you have judged it right! Companies should have experienced project managers on board when they begin the journey of a project. Also, they should invest in training employees to develop their skills towards effective project management. 



These are a few difficulties faced during project implementation and management. However, these challenges can be effectively handled with proper planning. Setting SMART goals will make things smooth.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Addressing this challenge involves reevaluating the project plan, identifying the root causes of delays, and implementing strategies to regain lost time.

Dealing with scope creep requires clear communication, a well-defined change control process, and a focus on the project's original objectives.

Overcoming communication challenges involves establishing clear channels, maintaining open lines of dialogue, and documenting important project information.

Addressing resource constraints necessitates resource leveling, reallocation, or, if possible, securing additional resources to meet project demands.

Risk management involves identifying, analyzing, and developing response plans for potential risks, and, in case of risk occurrence, implementing mitigation actions.

Conflict resolution may involve mediation, negotiation, and creating a collaborative environment to encourage mutual understanding.

Effective change management includes assessing the impact of changes, revising project plans as necessary, and securing approval before implementing changes.

Managing dependencies requires constant monitoring, proactive communication with dependent parties, and contingency planning.

Continuous alignment involves regular reviews and feedback loops to assess the project's relevance and its contribution to overall organizational objectives.

Safeguarding project data involves regular backups, secure storage, and contingency plans for data recovery in case of loss or compromise.
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