SSM Certification Training Exam Format

The SAFe Scrum Master certification is recognized worldwide. It allows you to move your career forward and achieve professional success. If you are interested in this certification, then you should join a training program provided by an accredited training center. After the training program, you should give an exam and obtain a passing mark to become certified. The SAFe Scrum Master exam is conducted online, and you can access it by logging into the SAFe Community Platform after completing the training. You should know the SSM certification exam pattern before sitting for the exam. It is a timed exam; once the time ends, it will be submitted automatically even if you don’t finish completing all the answers. You will get a score depending on the number of questions answered. The SSM course exam pattern is such that unanswered questions will be marked as incorrect automatically. If you finish your exam before the designated time, you can submit your answers by clicking the ‘submit’ button. Your score will be calculated immediately and you will know whether you have passed the exam.

SAFe Scrum Master Certification Exam Pattern:

If you want to launch the exam, you will need to first review and accept the Candidate Agreement. The SAFe Scrum Master certification exam format is multiple choice. The correct answer can be one or multiple. There will be ‘choose two’ or ‘choose three’ style multiple-choice questions. You will need to give all the answers correctly for these types of questions. No partial mark will be given.  The SAFe Scrum Master certification exam pattern is explained below.


90 minutes

Number of questions


Passing score


Competency level

Intermediate; Proficient, capable; can perform tasks with some assistance

Question format

Multiple choice (one answer) or multiple select (2-3 answers)


Web-based, closed book, no outside assistance, timed


Community Platform upon completion of the course

Languages offered



First attempt is included in the course registration fee if the exam is taken within 30 days of training completion. Each retake or attempt after the 30-day window is $50.

Exam sections and percentages

Topics covered in each section

Introducing Scrum in SAFe (13%)

  • Examine basic Agile development concepts
  • Explore Scrum basics
  • Position an Agile Team in a SAFe Enterprise

Characterizing the role of the Scrum Master (38%)

  • Examine the responsibilities of the Scrum Master role
  • Explore the characteristics of an effective Scrum Master
  • Build high-performing teams
  • Facilitate effective Agile Team events
  • Coach the Agile Team using powerful questions
  • Collaborate with other teams
  • Resolve conflicts

Experiencing PI Planning (18%) 

  • Prepare to experience PI Planning
  • Create and review draft PI plans
  • Finalize plans and establish business value
  • Review final plans and commit to a set of PI Objectives
  • Facilitate an effective PI Planning process

Facilitating Iteration execution (22%)

  • Plan the Iteration
  • Track the Iteration progress
  • Refine the backlog
  • Facilitate the Iteration Review
  • Facilitate relentless improvement
  • Support DevOps and Release on Demand

Finishing the PI (9%)

  • Coach the IP Iteration
  • Prepare the team for the Inspect and Adapt Event

To prepare for the exam according to the SAFe Scrum Master exam format you should follow the SAFe Scrum Master Student Workbook. It includes all the study materials and exercises to sharpen your skills in SAFe concepts and principles. You can also refer to the online Scrum guides.

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SSM Certification Training Syllabus

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