Happy Moments of The Recruiters & Hiring Managers

Pick the convenient date of your choice and register!
This program allows you to pick a date of your choice. Kindly pick a date from the calendar and submit your preferences.
This program offers one-on-one training as well with customizable options, including syllabus, duration, course fee, competency, tools, job support, and more, catering to learners unique preferences.
LearnNThrive has the highest number of training dates available most days(Weekend or weekday or combination) of the month and hence you are free to pick a date of your choice and request more details.
We promise & try to arrange the best as per your choice ( You ask for it and we will make it happen for you!)
- Weekend Classes
- Weekday Classes
- Time zone of your choice in order to get more discount/lowest price possible
- Learner comforts are the highest priority
- Lowest Price in the market assured if a quote is submitted
- Ran the classes without postponing
- Customisation as per the needs
- Best Facilitator in the industry
Why LearnNThrive?
Success RateIf you are registering in group's you can avail a discount ranging between 15% to 40% !
Agile Scrum Foundation Certification Training Syllabus
Globally Renowned Trainers
The best Trainers from across the globe ! You can find all of the renowned trainers here.
Why Corporates Prefer LearnNThrive To Upskill Their Teams
As a one-stop training service provider, we strive to be versatile and scalable to the needs of our clients with vast experience in the industry. Our hands-on approach is the most effective way to ensure the quality of our services. We work with a large number of companies who extensively appreciate the high-quality work delivered by us and the top-notch training we provide.
Our partners
Key Points
- 400+ Companies Association Across Geographies
- 20+ Trending Technology resources sourced
- 10+ Certifications Made An Impact on the organizations
- Work satisfaction and capabilities improved by 30% on an average
- All Companies & Countries Compliant
- Pre & Post Training Support
- Transformed 3000+ Companies & Counting
- Huge Pool Of Consultants & Facilitators To Cater To Any Kind Of Need
- Customized Learning As Per The Corporates/Team's Preferences
- Platformed Based Learning
- Efficiency increased by 60%
Frequently Asked Questions
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See what people are saying

Agile Portfolio Manager
Agile Excellence Pioneering: Scrum Foundation Training
It was a great choice to enrol in the Agile Scrum Foundation Training. The course's engaging structure and knowledgeable teachers not only helped me prepare for the certification, but they also gave me the assurance I needed to successfully implement Agile and Scrum approaches in my projects, which ..Read More

Agile Stakeholder Liaison
ScrumCraft: Agile Foundation Certification Craftsmanship
My decision to enroll in the Agile Scrum Foundation Certification class changed everything. The interactive style of the training and examples from real-world situations gave me the skills and knowledge I needed to embrace Scrum techniques, enabling me to improve project outcomes and encourage an ag ..Read More

Meera Jasmeen
Agile Process Improvement Specialist
Agile Triumph: Scrum Foundation Certification Odyssey
Agile Scrum Foundation Certification training was a revelation in effective project management. The course's clear explanations and practical exercises made grasping Scrum principles and agile methodologies a breeze, enhancing my ability to contribute to efficient team collaboration and project succ ..Read More
LearnNThrive helped thousands of professionals showcasing their true skills and potential to lead a great career in Agile and Scrum environments. If you are looking for an Agile Scrum Foundation certification course, you have reached the right place. We have listed the multiple schedules available for Agile Scrum Foundation training in India and course-related details including trainer credibility, prices, institute reviews, and many more to make your course registration steps easy.
LearnNThrive is the best platform that helps thousands of true learners to learn skills and build a strong career with diversified career opportunities. Explore now to find the most-suitable Agile Scrum Foundation training schedule in India from our list. We deliver weekday and weekend workshops through classroom and online training modes in India at your convenience and affordable prices.